Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's me again,

Shortly on my blog will be posted my last journey on Empress ex Empress of the seas.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I become a part of Madeira's history. Could not resist. So I did it. Believe it or not while walking bayside I meet Nikola from Mostar. We chat a bit with nice cup of coffee. He lives here for a long time and he is in engaged in sports.

Postao sam dio povjesti Madeire. Nisam mogao odolit. Pa sam to i uradio. Vjerovali ili ne setajuci po gradu sreo sam Nikolu iz Mostara. Popricali smo malo uz dobru kafu. On zivi ovdje vec dugo vremena i bavi se sportom.

Departure at Lanzarote. Me, Dejan Milinkovic and Ivo. Last time here this season for Atlantic star. Next time there will be Pacific dream. So following advise of Sanka and Ivo I went out and try Black risotto. Was delicious. I really enjoy it.
Partenca iz Lanzarote. Ja, Dejan Milinkovic and Ivo. Zadnji put ovdje ove sezone za Atlantic star. Next time tu ce biti Pacific dream. I tako sljedeci savjet od Sanke i Ive otisao sam vani probati Crni Rizot. Svi gusti svita su bili u njemu, bas san uziva.

Monday, May 25, 2009

It is very nice and I really enjoy in it, to meet an very good friend after a long, long time. He is Hotel manager Brito Jose. We were working together almost twenty years ago for DCL. Last was bringing over to Florida from Germany Balanga Queen -Discovery sun.
Vrlo je lijepo i uzivam u tome, sresti se sa vrlo dobrim prijateljem poslje dugo, dugo vremena. On je Hotel manager Jose Brito. Zajedno smo radili prije skoro dvadeset godina za DCL. Zadnji put smo doveli u Floridu iz Njemacke Balanga Queen - Discovery sun.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Finally. Pacific Dream with an old friend Capt Antonio Alonso Linaje on the con. Today has arrived at Lisbon after us. We give her a blast to salute her. From May 31st she is going to replace our ship on this itinerary. Our vessel is going to start Brasilian season starting from July 04th.
Konacno. Pacific Dream sa starim prijateljem Kap Antonio Alonso Linaje za zapovjednika. Danas su stigli iza nas u Lisabon. Trubili smo njoj u pozdrav. Od 31og Svibnja oni ce nas zamijeniti na ovom putovanju. Nas brod se sprema za poceti sezonu u Brazilu pocevsi 04og Srpnja.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Funchal, Madeira. In one photo. Just want to show what was Before and what it is Now.

Funchal, Madeira. U jednom snimku. Samo zelim pokazati sto je bilo Prije i sto je Sad.

Agadir, Morocco. I have a visitor on bridge. One of them brought to me a nice fish for a dinner and another one want to take it away. No way Jose!!!
Agadir, Maroko. Imao sam posjetitelja na komandnom mostu. Jedan mi je donio lijepu ribu za veceru a drugi bi je htio odnjeti. Nema sanse Jozo!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Arrecife, Canary island. I walk out after lunch. Very big mistake. Siesta time. Everything were closed down. Luckily found one place with Ice cream at least.
Arecife, Kanarski otoci. Prosetao sam vani poslje rucka. Strasna pogreska. Vrijeme Sieste. Sve je bilo zatvoreno. Srecom nasli smo jednu radnju otvorenu sa sladoledom.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Last cruise with us were dear guests from Sweden. From left were Hotel manager Jose Brito, International hostess Jessica Palmer, Anna & Anders Rydberg, Goeran Thomas Grahn, Captain, Gunnar Friberg, and Bo Sven Lagerqvist. Al members of Steam ship society SKARGARDS BATEN and lovers of Steam ships. I have a wonderfull evening with them.
Na zadnjem putovanju imali smo drage goste iz Svedske. Svi su clanovi drustva Parnih brodova SKARGARDS BATEN i zaljubljenici su u Parne brodove. Vecer provedena sa njima bila je prekrasna.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Something completly different for me. Funchal is green paradise.
Not only that I have seen a lot of green towns. Here You can smell all different scents of Tropical flowers. I really enjoy it all the way.
Nesto sasvim drugacije za mene. Funchal je zeleni raj. Ne samo da sam vidio velik broj zelenih gradova. Ovdje mozes osjetiti miris svog Tropskog cvijeca. Stvarno sam uzivao cijelim putem.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Arecife. Vulcanic island. Magma is everywhere. Very hot day. Walk out for a refreshment and Dulce de leche. Tonight is Captains coctail party. I have to rush back on board to get ready.
Recife. Vulkanski otok. Lava je svugdje. Vani je vrlo vruce. Prosetao sam vani da se osvjezim i radi mog sladoleda. Veceras je Kapetanov coctail prijem. Zurim nazad da bi se spremio za tu prigodu.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hassan II mosque. Perfect crafts on it. One of must to see points. Walking one hour from port. It's worth it.
Dzamija Hassana II. Perfektno umijece na njoj. Jedno od mijesta koji se moraju vidjeti. Pjesacio sam sat vremena ali se isplatilo.

Monday, April 13, 2009

.....Plaque-Crests exchange. Every time vessel change itinerary there is a ceremony of Plaque exchange. That occasion on board captain welcome Authirities of the Port and City. Very good promotion for vessel. For all of us there will be a nice glass of cava and some delicious finger food. Needless to say there is always TV and Newpapers. I become use of this occasions.
Izmjena Plaketa. Kod svake promjene rasporeda putovanja uvijek imamo ceremoniju izmjene plaketa. Za tu prigodu zapovjednik docekuje visoke goste Luke i samog Grada. Dobra promocija broda. Za sve nas tu ce se naci casica dobre Cava i nesto ukusne hrane za jesti. Nepotrebno je reci da je tu uvijek prisutna TV i Novinari. Ja sam se vec navikao na takove situacije.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

After while I had a long walk alone. I saw beauty of this city. there is such a lot to see. Photos will explain better than words. One of the targets is to visit a good friend at Fatima. Just I would like mine folks to be with me.
Duga setnja poslje dosta vremena. Vidio sam ljepote ovog grada. Fotografije ce to bolje objasniti nego rijeci. Jedan on zadataka bio bi posjeta starom prijatelju u Fatimi. Samo za to bi volio da su moji sa mnom.

Friday, April 10, 2009

........Funchal, Madeira. Wanderfull place, whish you were here. Bussy day. Arrival, authorities, exchange of Crests. TV , newspapers. Mess. I just want to go out for a nice icecream in peace.
Funchal, Madeira. Prekrasno mjesto, jedno od onih gdje zelis biti. Naporan dan. Dolazak, Vlasti,
razmjena plaketa. TV, novine. Nered. Ja samo zelim otici vani i pojesti dobar sladoled u miru.

Lanzarote, Canarias island. Nasty day. Winds are over 40 knots force. Nice port, did not have time to walk out. On departure two kids were late. Regular stuff. What to do.
Lanzarote. Kanarski otoci. Nastrano vrijeme.Vjetar puse preko 40 cvorova. Uredna luka, nije bilo vremena za setnju. Na odlasku dvoje djece je kasnilo. Uobicajne stvari. Sta da se radi.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another port at Morocco. Agadir. Huge comercial port, with facilities for large number of Fishing boats. Export of fish is major product.
Jos jedna luka u Maroku. Agadir. Velika komercijalna luka, sa velikim sadzajima koje koristi velik broj ribarskih brodova. Izvoz ribe je najvazniji proizvod.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Casablanca, Marocco. Africa. Back after long time. City is much bigger but silo is the same. Nice memories I had in this port. First time with Mum and Dad. Hope my family will be there too.
Kazablanka, Maroko. Afrika. Vratio se nakon dugo vremena. Lijepe uspomene sam imao u ovoj luci. Prvi puta sam bio sa Materom i Ocem. Nadam sa da ce i moji biti tu samnom takodjer.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gibraltar. Nice place. I have found two places seling my favorite ice cream. Dulce de Lece. You have to try it to beleive it. Weather was just right. This time we meet weth our Blue de France. I was four times there. Now there is Captain Antonio Linaje Spanish, very nice and smart guy. We have a chat after a long tme. He is on nice vessel.
Gobraltar. Lijepi gradic. Nasao sam dva mjesta gdje se prodaje meni najdrazi sladoled. Slatko od mlijeka. Morate probat da bi vjerovali. Ovaj put smo se sreli sa nasim Blue de Franceom bivsi Holiday Dream. Cetri puta sam bio na njemu. Sada je tamo Kapetan Antonio Linaje Spanjolac, vrlo draga i pametna osoba. Pricali smo malo nakon dugo vremena. Na lijepom je brodu.