Monday, April 13, 2009

.....Plaque-Crests exchange. Every time vessel change itinerary there is a ceremony of Plaque exchange. That occasion on board captain welcome Authirities of the Port and City. Very good promotion for vessel. For all of us there will be a nice glass of cava and some delicious finger food. Needless to say there is always TV and Newpapers. I become use of this occasions.
Izmjena Plaketa. Kod svake promjene rasporeda putovanja uvijek imamo ceremoniju izmjene plaketa. Za tu prigodu zapovjednik docekuje visoke goste Luke i samog Grada. Dobra promocija broda. Za sve nas tu ce se naci casica dobre Cava i nesto ukusne hrane za jesti. Nepotrebno je reci da je tu uvijek prisutna TV i Novinari. Ja sam se vec navikao na takove situacije.

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